Storage Rack for the MMSS

Copyright Claim

Storage Rack for the MMSS


Print Profile(2)

X1 Carbon

rack_lower_module - 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
rack_lower_module - 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
22.8 h
7 plates

0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, Textured PEI Plate
0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, Textured PEI Plate
22.8 h
7 plates

2.8 k
1.2 k


Description and contextualization

A present to you, a Rack for the Mutil-Modular Storage System (MMSS) that I've been developing. Don't go running to buying a ton of filament, first you must understand how this work....

You can do it step by step.

You can start with a simple model, and store it in your closet, some drawer, or card box; a month later, you may buy something else and print the corresponding module to store your precious component or accessories. Someday, you may need a box or maybe a case (if you have to transport your things) to store the modules you already have…

In the limit, some people, need a complete rack, because they have a lot of things (maybe a print farm).

But this rack, on its own, has the Build plate dispenser, and for most people, this project ends there. But you are like my, and make things scalable and that's why this is all modular.


This rack serves as a support to the different projects carried out around what I can already call an ecosystem, namely;

Multi-Modular Storage System -MMSS Box with lid for MMSSCase for the MMSS

… and more

Assembly info

Read carefully the explanation that fallows. I've tried to be systematic for anyone to understand. This os not a print of a small toy or a vase, you will need to make decision, so make them informed.

1- Start here - Assemble the base that will serve the build plates. if you have many you can stack them together.

1.1 - All you need, and more, is available withing the file “rack_lower_module.3mf”.

2 - Now you have a choice to make:

2.1 - Stop here on the basic module for the build plates, or;

2.2 - continue to add other parts from the MMSS ecosystem.

If MMSS = 2.1 then;

You will need a cover like this to finish the job, you will find that part on the 3mf file regarding the rack for build plates


For the PETG springs, flex the back plate a little for them to slide on the dovetail.

If MMSS = 2.2 then;

  • you can add other rack for build plates, if really like build plates :) or;
  • add a MMSS box or case, or several of them.

2.2.1 Ok, you need to add more modules on top of the “Base module" that serves the build plates. Now you can choose to continue with the barebone or the complete version.

2.3 - Barebone rack2.4 Complete rack

If MMSS = 2.3 then;

2.3 Barebone Rack

If you go this way, you will need some new parts that you can find on the 3mf file “rack_middle_modules.3mf”.

This drawing will help you choose the right heights for the spacers, almost all the parts are the same for any modules you choose, with the exception of the top.

Easy, isn't it? ;)

2.3.1 There are some parts that you will need to go up, in what I call, the middle steps. These parts can be found on the 3mf file stated on 2.3 point. You can stack modules on top of each other, most parts are the same, just be careful to choose the “Pillars” A, B or C depending on what you need, these will give you the space necessary for each module (see drawing above).



See does red pins? They have to go with a tight fit, if you notice them loose on the guides or on the Pilar’s see if the filament is calibrated, sometime, certain materials shrink more than others, petg tends to be more stable… anyways if all fails, use the scale tool on the slicer to compensate.

2.3.2 At some point you will reach the top, and you will need to close the rack top. - Normal top2.3.2.2 - Top made with the lid from the Box for the MMSS

2.3.3 After choosing the top, you can print the corresponding modules from the “rack_tops_modules.3mf”.

If MMSS = 2.4 then;

2.4 The complete rack - This will add some panels to the side of the rack, making it look like this:

The aspect may vary depending on the modules you have chosen on the previous steps.

2.4.1 You can see that you will need different panels depending on the height of the modules, something very similar to the situation of the Pillars A, B and C.

To print this, you must choose what you need on the file “rack_lateral_panels.3mf

If you have the “Case for the MMSS” with the lower Lid for the PTFE tubes, use the “Cover E”

If you plan to use the case with lid in one of the middle stages, you should use Pillar C and a new Cover; Cover F (Cover lateral panel_F.step)

Material to use

  • If you use this affiliate links to buy filament, it will cost you the same and I will get a small "kickback". Thanks !
    • Filament used on this project, choose any color you like. For the greatest result and if your printer can do it, use PLA with carbon fiber, amazing finish! Maybe it is time to test that sample you may have received with your printer (X1C users).
    • I've used in this project some PETG too.

Change log:

  • 19-09-2023 - change the diameter of the TPU feet for better fitting. If you already have them, just put a little of TPU filament on the side if you find it to lose.
  • 21-09-2023 - Better layout of the “rack_lower_module.3mf” file . Thanks to Amateus3D
  • 22-09-2023 - Back_plate_narrow has now stronger “pegs”. File changed “rack_middle_modules.3mf”. Thanks to hoonu.
  • 22-09-2023 - Lateral panels pegs should be stronger now. Change to some aspects of the layout on the 3mf file.
  • 24-09-2023 - Small change to the small pin diameter, for stronger fit. File changed “rack_middle_modules.3mf”.
  • 01-10-2023 - Added a new panel if you decide to use the box with lid in one of the middle stages (see description above in 2.4.1) - Thanks to thedevilsjester
  • 10-10-2023 - Some members(1) reported some instability of the structure, namely the configuration that presents the top the “normal top” and already has some modules, so already with a certain height. This update is intended to address those issues. Thus, the updated components are:
    • rack_tops_modules.3mf - in there the steps updated are:
      • Top_plate_for_back.STEP
      • Top_plate_for_front.STEP
      • Top_plate_for_Front_right.STEP
      • Top_plate_for_Front_left.STEP
      • Top_plate_for_BPlate_right.STEP
      • Top_plate_for_BPlate_left.STEP
    • If the structure is ok to you, that's because the fits are ok and all is working fine.
  • 12-10-2023 - Bambu Lab logo was inverted, this can be found on file: “rack_tops.3mf
    • A new version of the pin was added that may offer a better fit in some situations. This new pin is found on file: “rack_middle_modules.3mf
  • 18-10-2023 - Added a lid for the plain drawer: “lid_simple_drawer.step

Support the designer:

This design is free for the benefit of the community, but If you like my designs and want to contribute, you can make a donation to buymeacoffee or PayPal.

Documentation (5)

Assembly Guide (5)

Comment & Rating (128)

Please fill in your opinion

The best organization system I have ever printed! I have previously printed both the box and the case for all my printer accessories, I saw this rack and I knew that I had to print it. I am so happy I did as it brings everything together while being stable and sleek. I love that I can add more levels to it if I needed it in the future. I can of course add levels for random tools since this system can be used for everything with custom modules of any object
The designer has replied
Thanks! This is something impressive ! So nice to see people integrating all modules, For me as the author is very rewarding to see such a nice work. Congratulations! I wished I have a medal to give you ;)
Replying to @JorgeRui :
does it matter if it's pla pr petg ?
Replying to @Jahnke_r :
Hi Jahnke_r I'm glad you like it. being an author, makes everything you've said with an extra layer of recognition. Thank you for your words.
Nice system - a shame it is stuck behind a paywall though. You should consider making it open source like the awesome FOSBOS system which is built upon gridfinity. Might find a larger adoption rate.
Why is it a shame that creator would like to be compensated for his work?
Replying to @ModelThreeve :
That is twisting the intent of my comment. A pay wall / closed source is not a shame for the creator who wants to hold the IP to themselves. It is a shame for users who do not want or can not pay the fee. It also is a shame for users that while someone may have no interest in making the items for themselves, but have a great idea to enhance it (maybe a speciality bin for a new product?) they will likely never contribute as they have to pay to create it. So as a user in this situation, I think it's a shame that it is closed off. Edit. I am certainly not saying that creators should not be compensated for their creations.
In this particular case, the entire system is available for $5. If you have a Bambu Lab printer and plan on printing something that uses several kg of filament I’m pretty sure not being able to afford it doesn’t apply. Not wanting to pay for something is an easy fix, don’t pay don’t get it and move on. It seems like a flimsy argument to not compensate the creator if you want to use their IP.
Print Profile
rack_lower_module - 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Massive thanks to you for your great models 🙏
Hello, can you pls send 3d model of Bart?
Replying to @JohnnyEnglish : here u can find it and some more free Simpson models
Print Profile
rack_lower_module - 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Perfect system!
The designer has replied
where you have take spacer for rack , i don't see please
Replying to @ivandeluca :
You can find all in "files"
Impressive model, completely functional and easy to print.
The designer has replied
Nice to see the barebone option (no so barebone, but...) That's precisely my setup ;)
Hi, I bought your case but I can't find all these modules?
The designer has replied
Can you please tell me where did you buy it?
Replying to @JorgeRui :
I bought it on printables. But I already found it :) I apologize
Print Profile
rack_lower_module - 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
Funktioniert wunderbar :) Nachtrag: Nach 2600g Filament und über 84 Stunden Druckzeit ist alles so gut wie fertig. Danke für die tollen Datein. So ist alles wieder wunderbar organisiert und aufgeräumt.
moin, wo finde ich denn alle Datein ?
Replying to @ReneHH :
Moin. Leider sind nicht alle Datein kostenlos zu finden. Auf der Seite von dem Storage Rack sind diverse Links für Printables. Ich habe mir dort eine Mitgliedschaft für den Ersteller geholt für 5 Dollar, die Datein runter geladen und anschließend auch wieder gekündigt. Den Preis für ein Monat Mitgliedschaft fand ich mehr als fair für die ganzen Möglichkeiten.
The plates don't fit unless I bend them. I thought the print went really well... but maybe the bottom piece shrunk? with as much room as those plate shelves have, even if that were the case it shouldn't make it so I can't get the plate in.
The designer has replied
That's a first . There is a lot of gap on both sides. Are you sure the assembly is ok ? Please re-check the assembly.
I had the same issue. I changed the length of the items on Plate 1 & Plate 3 to 270mm (from 267mm)
Good concept, and excellent design tailored for 3D printing. I learned quite a bit just from printing, and assembling (teardrop holes for overhangs, using fillets (I think), tolerances, and clearances. The object itself is very nice. Five plates (for me) is the ideal number of plates to be able to store, and have easy access to. I printed the TPU parts in PETG because... It's what I had lying around. I also printed the back plate in PETG (and added modifiers around the pegs to make them solid) so that the integrated pegs would be a bit more robust. Thanks a lot for the design Jorge.
The designer has replied
Thank you for the super detailed and nicely put evaluation. I’m really happy that you like it so much, but even more when you have said you learned something. For the back legs, does where already updated to a more sturdy ones, plus using petg as you have done, just make the all thing much more resistente, (dependes on the pla…) you have some pla with nicer mechanical properties, take the bambu lab matte pla, it is considerably more elastic than the traditional one,… Thanks 🙏
Print Profile
0.4mm nozzle, 0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill, Textured PEI Plate
Thanks for this storage system. Very useful for me
The designer has replied
Thanks for reviewing, I appreciate the feedback!