This post is intended for @overerq but has been made public to provide clarity to all. Hello, I have seen the controversy regarding the Usergames conflict and would like to clarify a few things. I do have a “boring life” and am not afraid to completely waste it righting a misdemeanor worth fighting against, especially since I love writing essays. By the way, because of this occurrence, nobody does really know the story behind it and there was no resolute conclusion regarding the validity of the post and intent, so I’m here to do just that. 1. One allegation is that you knowingly posted on the topic because it was the most popular at the time and you wanted an audience to gain attention. While I am not automatically assuming this is true, if it is, I would like to remind you that it is unethical to post a model irrelevant to the topic. Because you have not registered in the Usergames, such a post is contrary to the essence of the topic and does not deserve to be seen as pertinent to the Usergames. 2. You told Creative User: “I don't have to explain anything to you. Don't assign the community tab to yourself. Every user has full freedom to post. If it bothers you, create your own page.”A fine example of hyperbole if I’ve ever seen one. This is not a self-assignment of the entire community tab. In fact, the creator and organizer of the Usergames, Creative User, did create their own page, which is the specific #Usergames topic, a subsection within the Community tab that users can visit. While there is no official ownership, Creative User does technically “own” #Usergames since it was created and maintained for that specific purpose without leaving any ambiguity as to its use. 3. Assuming your story is true and you did just post it because you saw someone else do it and you posted your model on the topic, assuming it was okay, just know that it is very important to check for context before posting online in such circumstances. A topic is not required on a post, and you did purposely tag #Usergames. Additionally, without knowing any context, one could easily infer that the topic would be meant for some sort of competition called the Usergames, and another simple inference would be that posts under that topic would be relevant to the games and models posted would be entries for the competition; your model is not affiliated with the Usergames or purging, but even a massive oversight such as this is plausible. Now, having introduced these stances, I would also like to explain how there is not anything regarding punishment that anyone involved deserves. While I would like to push for topic relevance moderators, they do not exist. However, that does not at all mean that moral implications are not present. Posting on another person’s topic is unethical and confusing to other users, often leading to false connections and attention that may or may not be deserved, but certainly not where it is deserved. In summary, I am trying to be as impartial as possible regarding this topic and wish you the best in your future endeavors, but would like to make my point clear that posting irrelevantly on a Makerworld community topic is misleading and can lead to major ethical consequences, including online arguments, such as the one this specific matter has generated. MoonTiger3D
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