My wife has a Cricut Maker 3 … and a Cricut Joy … and a Cricut Venture, needless to say she has a problem but I don't point fingers lest she come into my office and judge my walls of filament. At any rate she needed a way to store her Cricut pens while also allowing them to be fairly visible. I designed this pen holder to look a bit like a Cricut and hold 56 pens cap down as required by Cricut. Each row steps down 3.5 mm so the pens end caps are visible from the front. My wife also designed cute little stickers for the fronts of them to label each one and make it look a bit more like a Cricut.
I have included my OpenSCAD files for the print. In the supplied 3mf the Joy pen holder uses 12.4mm pen holes and the Maker 3 pens use an 11.6 mm hole. The Venture marker holder uses 17.5mm holes.
The OpenSCAD file also uses the excellent library BOSL2.
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