Custom Devil mask designed in Nomad Sculpt for Spook Show from the world of Minor Threats: The Brood.
The print shown was printed on the A1 mini with the horns detached. Mainly to get the largest size print and to get the horns and teeth as pointy and sharp as possible. Horns are a tight fit and will need to be super glued in. I had to do a little bit of finessing to get them in. So please feel free to remix if you can find an easier way to fit them on.
My finished mask was also sanded, filler primed, and then airbrushed. The grey mask in the photos is what the mask looked like before post processing.
Also if you're printing this mask on the A1 or A1 mini with the horns detached, on the mask be careful around layer 230ish so that the tree supports don't snap off the print bed. You may want to slow the print down until about layer 300 if you're having issues.
Please upload photos of your prints if you decide to make one I would love to see them!
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