Currently we support the following cartridge types:
If more cards or cartridge types are needed, please add a picture with the exact dimensions of the cartridge as a comment and I'll do my best to update the model.
One of the main design goals while making this generator was to try and pack as many of the same object in as little space as possible. Due to that, every wall is set to 2mm, which should be more than enough considering the mechanical stress while using the holder will be minimal.
I plan to add a honeycomb pattern to the resulting case at some point, which should further reduce the filament usage while also allowing better readability of the cartridge label.
I wanted to easily support new card/cartridge formats. In order to implement this I tried to minimize the number of measurements necessary to add a new format. As of now, we need only four measurements and one string to be used only while echoing the total dimensions of the generated design.
Instead of adding lids, lips, chamfers, and other design elements, I aimed to come up with the simplest possible design while still remaining functional and solving the problem at hand.
From the customizer, you can choose the cartridge/card type from a drop-down menu and the number of rows and columns for the final case.
As an example, you can find STLs for 10x1 cases for all currently supported types. Note that for the GameBoy cartridges, they are designed to fit the cartridge alone, without a cartridge cover/protector.
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