Cat Go is a game that has won the second prize in the contest hosted by Bambu recently.
The Bambu translator has translated this into Cat Chess. But Cat Go is a more accurate name since this game is based on Go, not Chess.
This is the organizer / insert / box for Cat Go.
There are five shapes for the cat and for each shape the height is different. I made this insert with different height, so that the cats can be picked up easily. Later I find it was difficult to pick up the smallest cat so I added 4 half-circles in that slot.
As the Bambu translator does not translate the Chinese rules, I will translate them for you.
Rule Overview:
This is a game for 2 people. Each has 12 cats. The one who has the most area is the winner.
Rule 1:
The first step is to put down the cat king. The cat king cannot be placed at the center 4 tiles.
Rule 2:
Except for the cat king, the surrounded cats are removed from the board.
(The rule does not mention if opposite player will occupy the cats, or the cats can be reused in game)
Rule 3:
Cats that have surrounded empty area are not removed from board.
Rule 4:
The cats cannot cut the board into two.
Rule 5:
Cats at the edge do not face the edge.
Rule 6:
cats do not face each other.
Rule 7:
Cats do not face a cat king.
Rule 8:
The long cat is not allowed to adjacent to a cat king.
(It is unclear if a long cat can be adjacent to the opponent's cat king.)
The cats are not included in this print. You can go to this link for the cat: Cat Chess 【Storage Box】【Unique Rules】【No Supports】 by 黑日 - MakerWorld
The cover image is from here: Cat 2 Vector SVG Icon (2) - SVG Repo
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