Maybe you have already seen my Magnetic Bit Driver Handle. Now here is an alternative version: The Stubby Magnetic Bit Driver Handle
Print preparation:
Make sure that your print bed is clean and grease-free and use a quality brand and dry filament. If you are having bed adhesion issues you can always try the new Bambu SuperTack plate (do not forget to change the plate in slicer).
Print settings:
Use the 0.2mm standard settings for everything. Support should not be needed, but you can add tree support for the magnet position in the handle. All my test prints were ok without support, so my profile is without support. A brim for the handle is recommended to increase the bed adhesion. Set the wall number to four for a robust print. 12% gyroid infill should be enough.
See my 3mf print profile for details.
The magnets are part of the Maker's Beginner kit or can be ordered separately in the Bambu store. Both options are included in the BOM below. Choose, what suits you better.
You need one magnet per handle. Optionally you can install three magnets in the cap, too.
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This work by blecheimer is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. The shown model must not be used commercially.
Copying this model to other 3D printing websites is not allowed without my permission.
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