Based on the concept shown in this video by Robert Murray-Smith, I wanted to make one that behaved a little more like a traditional bearing where the center would hold one part and the outside would hold against the other rather than having the top/bottom spin of his design.
Like his, it snaps together without the need for glue or anything else.
Assembly requires starting out with the open bottom center piece and the ring and putting each of the ten bearings in back and forth opposite, just like he shows with his. It will take a little more work to get them all in there with this design, though.
I've printed with PLA but it should work fine with any filament. If using horizontal or at an angle, you'll want to position the snap side downward to ensure a smooth spin. Should be able to handle a good amount of weight relative to its size without the wearing down of the bearings.
You can find his completed design here which is easier to assemble and may suit your needs if you prefer the top/bottom spin.
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