“If I can't see it it doesn't exist” “Drawers are where tools go to die” -Adam Savage
Introducing Open Shelves: Drawers you can see into! No more forgetting that you've already bought 3 of something! Put it all on Display! And no need to drill holes in the walls of your rental!
-The big shelves require a 0.8 mm nozzle, and an AMS for multiple drawers
-Dry your PETG first or it might look like this
-You'll want a short hammer, a wedge (included), a metal blade, and pliers. Moreso for the big shelves
-Print opaque at 124% speed, translucent at 100%
-Export to STL, selected objects only, 1000x scale
-In the slicer, scale to 48% or 75% for small or big shelves
-Temporarily delete boolean targets to disable them, to cut lag way down. Lowering subdiv helps too
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