FPV-Wing-Racer (rev.2)

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FPV-Wing-Racer (rev.2)

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
3 h
4 plates

Open in Bambu Studio



Print. Fly. Crash. Repeat. Round 2!

After the initial version has been out for some time now. It's time for some improvements,
thanks to some feedback from the community

  • I got rid of the click-in system and replaced it with proper screws
  • Added another version that supports cams with size 14x14mm
  • Adjusted wing structure to work with PETG
  • Now PETG is recommended for the Wings, PLA still works
  • New Winglet design.

Have a look at the previous version: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6348189

Some technical details:ValueUnit
span width360mm
top speed~ 70**km/h
climbing speed~ 6**m/s
glide ration1.5:1-
thrust to weight ration>1-
printing time~ 4h
building time~ 30min
print materialPLA+PETG-

*with 300mah batt; **just an estimation

If you are further interested in this project or need building support, do not hesitate to contact me directly or write me on Instagram (@phil.white98) or Discord (astro_phil).

Designed in Blender https://www.blender.org/

Hardware List


Parts I used

If you want to use another camera and motor, please use the Custom File.

Warning: Do not exceed 95g of TOW

Disclaimer: I'm not connected or responsible for the content of the given links. Nor did i receive any sort of sponsorship.!!!



How to build


Print Settings

These settings are essential for the wings, elevons and winglets.
Also try to over extrude the initial layer so that it will have a strong cohesion and I also recommend printing the first layer at ~25mm/s

Parts with the ending R must be printed twice but the second one is mirrored
Only the base part needs support. Support on print bed only is sufficient.

Layer height0.15mm 
Initial Layer height0.15mm 
Wall line Count3- 
Horizontal Expansion (CURA)-0.05mm 
XY-Size Compensation (Prusa)-0.05mm 
Elefantfoot Compensation (Prusa)0.00mm 
Top/Bottom PatternLine- 
Line Direction[61,151]deg 
Infill Density20% 
Infill PatternLine- 
Connect Infill linesTrue- 
Infill line Direction90deg 

Use Top/Bottom Line direction [-61,-151] for the left wing and [0,90] or [90,0] for everything else!
And print the Wings out of PETG if possible. It's more durable.

The elevons are only for replacement the wing already has one attached.

In case of scaling issues

The dimension (X)x(Y)x(Z) of the parts in [mm] :

  • Base : 70x84.1x15.1
  • Wing : 207x178x10.3
  • Winglet : 1.8x89.5x48.3
  • Elevon : 165x21.1x10.3
  • Rod : 9.1x52.5x1.5



Building Steps

Also have a look at the Blueprint


  1. Cut out a little piece of the wing structure as marked in the photos but leave the three outer ones out and only cut the three inner ones. They are supposed to work like springs and keeping up the tension of the airfoil.
  2. screw the wings from below. In some cases, the screw will already have enough grip in the PLA without any nut.
  3. Now start folding the wings and click the top part into the little hooks on the trailing edge of the wing. If done correctly the outside of the wing should pitch down with a few degrees (~10°). As shown in picture above. Also the Winglets / Vertical Stabilizers should align with the main fuselage. Not pointing to much up or down!
    This Feature is called "wing twist" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wing_twist.
  4. Connect the winglets to the connectors at the wing tips, you might secure them with some glue
  5. Connect the elevon to the servo with the steering rod.

Base Part

  1. Put the cables of the servo motors through the base
  2. Secure the servo motors with some hot glue to the base part
  3. Secure the VTX and the ECS with a zip tie and some hot glue
  4. The camera should hold itself in place
  5. The motor can be screwed into the back of the base part
  6. I glued the Receiver on top of the servo motors (like it's shown in the images above)
  7. Use a battery strap or zip ties to secure the battery under the aircraft.

Wiring Diagram


Some Tips


Some Tipps for the first Flight

  • channel setup guide
  • This thing will go quite fast for its size, be sure to have enough space
  • When you start it, throw it 45° upwards and give it some speed. Otherwise, it might be a hassle to get to the controls fast enough.
  • Keep up the speed to get around sharper turns. It will start rolling in the opposite direction of the motor running, if it gets to slow / the wing tips start stalling, due to motor torque.
  • Avoid pitching the engine to max in slow turns it will eventually turn the whole wing upside down caused by torque generated by the motor.
  • This thing is designed to pitch upwards with increasing speed. You might need to trim it.
  • Don't be surprised about its bad glide ratio. It's a racer not a glider. On the other hand, you have better speed control
  • Fly it FPV! It's more Fun


The History



A Good Start

Sometimes, a starting point is all you need. That's exactly what this first try was. I had no idea about what is important if you design a delta wing, so I startet with something that looked like it could fly, ... not very surprisingly ... it didn't! But Nothing to give up here. Lessons learned. Let's try a different approach.

Air is good, Airfoil is better!

Switching from a flat profile to an airfoil felt like a move in the right direction. It did not fly yet, but that could be explained by the CG being too far to the front. After fixing that, it "flew" for the first time. Well, it somewhat flew, but it was still very unstable in its flight characteristics. Hard to control and even harder to land.

If you have a look at the Video, you can see how the main fuselage has been moved further towards the rear.

More Wing More Good

To see it fly for the first time was the motivation boost I needed. Now I could start to try different ideas to optimize the flight characteristics. First of all, I increased the wingspan to the maximum size that fitted on my printer. Furthermore, I noticed with the positioning of the upper airfoil locking holes (whatever to call them) I was able to tune the wing twist in the correct direction. This feature helped to delay the stall behavior of the overall wing and lead to more stable and sharper turn with lower speed. In addition, I noticed that printing on a non-textured print bed gives a way smoother wing surface - which is nice.

Screw It

Now after the first public version was out for some time now, I got some feedback from the awesome community <3. One of the most mentioned problems was that the click-in system was a pain to click-in and easily breaks in crashes and then you must move all the electronics to a new base part. That's why I introduced the screw-in system, which now should be easier to repair.


Yeah. The Canopy ... I tried to find a design which follows the lightweight 1-Layer idea, but nothing has worked so far. Most of the iterations totally screwed the flight dynamics and stalling was again a big issue. Maybe I will find a suitable solution for this problem in the future. maybe ...


Final Words


Comment & Rating (22)

Please fill in your opinion

Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
very unique and interesting design, printed perfectly on the first try! I assembled it, so far it looks nice I’m just curious about the Flight Characteristics😅
has it flown yet?
I'm sorr but i need a step by step guide for the electronic as im one of those that really wants to start flying fpvs but has zero experience. The print is flawless but how i do the rest is uncharted waters
The designer has replied
can get fpv cam and vtx together so just need to be powered easy its easy these days
Replying to @user_2100830451 :
easy to say when you ve done it before
Replying to @Greekfighter :
so many vids on youtube and yes i been flying fpv for 7 years so have seen the change trust almost plug and play these days if you get the right system
do you have a suggestion which plate to use? I tried the textured PEI and the carbon look build plate, but the adhesion is SO good that I rip the wings apart 😂
The designer has replied
I used the one in PEI try using a release agent or a glue or I wash the dishes with the neutral dish degreaser and I have never had this problem
Replying to @qurtys82956478 :
many people struggling with not enough adhesion. i had the opposite FOR THIS (!) project :)
Replying to @soarer :
use a glue like dimaflix which sticks when hot and helps to detach when it cools
pretty cool
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
One of the best pieces ive Seen on here, incredible Design. Some Things didnt Quite fit for my components and Sadly the only file for editing the Parts is an stl, but apart from that perfekt!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
the air plane printed fine I don’t have any motors or electronics but it makes a great glider. I did have to add weight to the front but other than that it was alright
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
The designer has replied
Thank you
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 15% infill (test)