Vault Assault - Unique, Fully Printable Board Game

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Vault Assault - Unique, Fully Printable Board Game

Contest Winner
Board Games

Print Profile(12)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

Vault Assault - Full
Vault Assault - Full
19.4 h
18 plates

Vault Assault - Accessories Pack
Vault Assault - Accessories Pack
7.4 h
5 plates

Vault Assault - No AMS
Vault Assault - No AMS
20.5 h
7 plates

Complete game, Filled Gears n˚, accessories  - on low plates
Complete game, Filled Gears n˚, accessories - on low plates
29.3 h
13 plates
Click to see more

Open in Bambu Studio
1 k
3.1 k
1.3 k


Update 1 (19/11/2024) - Rules V1.1, Minor Part Changes and Accessories Pack Added (see below for further details)


Vault Assault is an exhilarating 3D printed board game where players embody daring vault crackers on a high-stakes mission to break into a vault and seize its golden riches. With up to four players, aged 8 and above, this game combines strategy, cunning, and a touch of sabotage as participants place gears strategically on the board to connect to the vault and release the coins inside. The thrill intensifies as players navigate challenges, aiming to outmaneuver opponents and avoid triggering the alarm that could end the heist abruptly.


Key Features:

  • Dynamic Gear Placement: Players use a variety of gears to create complex paths, connect to the vault, and collect coins.
  • Strategic Play: Includes opportunities for strategic stealing and redirecting gears to disrupt opponents' plans.
  • Interactive Mechanics: The game board, vault components, and dice rolls ensure no two games are alike.
  • Multiple Game Modes: From “Challenge Mode” to “Double Trouble,” players can enjoy variations that adjust difficulty and strategy.
  • Tense Heist Theme: The alarm adds an exciting unpredictability, keeping players on their toes until the very end.

Vault Assault challenges players to think ahead, adapt their strategies, and skillfully manage their gears to outsmart their rivals and become the wealthiest vault cracker.


A full instruction manual PDF for the game is included below, be sure to check it out!



This game has been a BLAST to design, and I started with just a few key concepts:

  • 2 - 4 Player Game
  • Mechanical interactions, making the most use of the 3D printing element of board game design
  • Strategy over luck within the gameplay mechanics
  • High replayability (different games everytime, multiple game modes, expandable with future updates)

I made sure the design minimised the need for support and limited purged filament, and although in total this print requires around 400g of filament, only 0.81g is used for support and 18.25g is used for flushing and tower (for the full colour version shown). For the non-AMS version, the flusing and tower waste is of course 0g.



Print Profiles

I have incluided two print profiles for this project, one full colour version as shown in the images, and a no-AMS/Quick print version:

  • “Vault Assault Full” - Full colour profile with correct settings dialed in (418g filament required, 9 colours, 19h48m print time)
  • “Vault Assault No-AMS” - Limited colour profile with no AMS required (396g filament required, 4 colours, 16h57m print time)


Game Board Build

I designed the Game Board to be a simple build and require a minimal number of extra parts. Aside from the printed parts only a few screws and springs/elastic bands are required. You can choose to build the rachet and pawl mechanism for each of the player gears with EITHER springs or elastic bands depending which is easiet for you, however the springs will give a better result and last longer. The full maker's supply part list and additional parts are listed as part of this model, but in summary:

  • 12 x M3x10mm Countersunk Screws
  • 8 x M2x4mm Buttonhead Screws (Only required if using springs for rachet and pawls)
  • 4 x Extension Spring BA001 (Only required if using springs for rachet and pawls)
  • 4 x 12mm Elastic Bands (I used my partner's small hair bands) (Only required if using elastic bands for rachet and pawls)



Step 1

Once all the parts have been printed seperate out the elements required for building the game board, this consists of the Outer Board, Peg Board, 4 x Player Gear (with ratchet), 4 x Player Gear, 4 x Pawl. You can identify the player gears by looking for the gears which have a hole in the top side.



Step 2 - (Elastic band approach)

Take one of your elastic bands and wrap it around the silver pillar with the chamfered head on the peg board. I found the three rotations around provides the best amount of pressure. Once you have managed to get three loops around the pillar, whilst keeping the elastic band under pressure, thread the pawl through and encourage the elastic band to sit in the slot cut out on the pawl. You can then lower the pawl's peg into the hole to the left of the pillar and it should be held in place. Now take the Player Gear (with ratchet) and insert it into the other hole (you will need to pull the pawl out of the way slightly). The gear should now be held in place and the pawl should engage with the rachet. Both the gear and pawl might not sit perfectly flush at this stage, but don't worry, once the Outer Board is added it will pull everything into the correct position.


Step 2 - (Spring approach)

Place one loop of the spring over the screw hole attached to the main body of the peg board (ensuring the spring coil is facing up) and use one of the M2x4mm screws to secure it in place. Place the pawl into the hole to the left of the silver pillar and align the other loop of the spring with the cutout and hole in the top of the pawl (you may need to apply a little stretch to the spring to achieve this). Use a second M2x4mm screw to secure this end of the spring to the pawl. Now take the Player Gear (with ratchet) and insert it into the other hole (you will need to pull the pawl out of the way slightly). The gear should now be held in place and the pawl should engage with the rachet. Both the gear and pawl might not sit perfectly flush at this stage, but don't worry, once the Outer Board is added it will pull everything into the correct position.



Step 3

Repeat the previous step for all four player gears until your board looks like the image above.



Step 4

Place the Outer Board over the top of the peg board and it should slide neatly into place. Ensure that the little allignment pegs on the Outer Board go into the corresponding slots on top of each of the player gears. If the Outer Board sits flush to the Peg Board all the way round, then it is installed correctly. You can test the ratchet and pawl now by applying a little pressure to the top of the Outer Board and turning each of the outer player gears in a clockwise direction. (Isn't that sound SO satisfying?!)



Step 5

Applying some pressure to the Outer Board, turn the whole gameboard upside down and lie it on a flat surface. Using all 12 M3x10mm countersunk screws secure the two parts of the gameboard together.


Vault Assembly




  1. Take the Lower Shaft (the part with the circular face attached to it containing three holes), and insert the Higher Shaft (the shorter shaft with three legs on one side and a cross on the top) so that they are tightly connected. The three feet of the Higher Shaft should be flush or just beyond flush once pushed in.
  2. Insert this assembled shaft with the Lower Shaft at the bottom into the Vault Body taking care that it goes through the hole at the bottom of the Vault Body and is visible below the gear.
  3. Take the Lower Mask (the circular part with 3 holes in it) and push this down into the Vault Body ensuring that the little tabs align with the slots in the Vault Body. Push this all the way down until it won't go any further. Make sure you are moving it down evenly, I found applying pressure with both thumbs was a good way to start. I did find during my prototyping that different filaments will have very slightly different tolerances, so you might find this a quite tight fit. Once this is inserted you should be able to hold just the tip of the Lower Shaft which is poking out below the gear of the Vault Body, and turn the Vault Body. If everything is going correctly, the assembled shaft should remain stationary and the Vault Body and Lower Mask should rotate around it.
  4. Take the Vault Shaft Cover (A circular piece with a round cutout through the side, and a cross indent in the centre of one side) and press this onto the cross on the top of the Higher Shaft. Ensure that the direct the round cutout is facing is different to the round cutout of the Lower Shaft one. This should be quite a snug fit, but won't require too much pressure.
  5. Take the Higher Mask and insert it into the top of the vault in the same way as the Lower Mask. This one doesn't have a built in stopper to get in the perfect place, so just slowly press it down until it sits a little way off the Vault Shaft Cover (1mm or 2mm is fine, closer is better). Just ensure that it DOESN'T touch the Vault Shaft Cover or things will start to jam up, or all turn together.

That's it! The Vault Door is just to keep the coins in place and hide what is going on and it is keyed so it will lock on when placed correctly.

Some filaments I tested had tiny variations that made the vault work better some times and worse others. The most important aspect is that when the vault shaft is placed into a hole on the board, it should be a pretty tight fit, as the central shaft must remain stationary for the vault to work correctly.  When I was building the final version I found that adding just 0.05mm to the shaft diameter made it go from agressively tight to just perfect, so these small differences really do make a difference!



I have already been planning a number of expansions for this game, and designed it in such a way that it was versitle to change, modification and future additions. Depending on the popularity of this project I will hopefully complete some of these soon and share them with you, but here are some of my ideas:

Gears Galore - There are MANY more potential viable gears that would work on the same grid and open up different placements. I am also experimenting with the idea of “broken gears” which are missing some teeth, and after a certain amount of turning cease to work and MUST be stolen back from the board to progress (a great way to limit/hamper your opponents!)


Vaults Aplenty - The vault has been designed as a modular unit on purpose so it is easy to change out the “masks” and “covers” inside to alter how coins interact and behave within the vault. This expansion would make use of that by providing a variety of different masks and covers to change vault behaviour and vary game length.




This has been a real passion project for me and I have LOVED creating my first board game, I hope that you all enjoy playing it as much as I've enjoyed making it! I should also note that although I have done a fair few play tests with different numbers of players and a variety of people, I am only one person, and the rules may not be in their final form yet. So it would be AMAZING if you could all feedback your experience in playing Vault Assault and let me know what went well, what went wrong, or if you think anything could be improved!


Update 1 (19/11/2024) - Rules V1.1, Minor Part Changes and Accessories Pack Added

Firstly I want to say a MASSIVE thank you for the great comments and feedback I recieved on this design, it has been really appreciated, and it great to see how well recieved it has been. Based on feedback I've had from users here, and from a few more round of further play testing I've made a few changes and added the new “Accessories Pack” print profile.


Rules V1.1

From further play testing there has been an overhaul of the core game loop of the rules to change the focus on more gear play and less travelling around the outerboard without interacting your gears. The main changes are:

  • You can now steal ANY gear of your choice without needing to roll the dice
  • Turning your player gear can now happen any time you land on the gear symbol (you can choose which action to take)
  • I am recommending using only 4 (instead of the original 6) of both gear 5 and gear 6, as once people start to learn some of the placement options, these gears can be abused and limit dynamic gameplay

The full details of all the rule changes have been added into the V1.1 of the manual which can be found below. I've also added an “Easy print” version of the manual too if you want to print one out for reference (no images, mostly black on a white background, no cover page).


Minor Part Changes

Only a tiny update on this one, but I did have a comment stating that the pawl seemed to be under too much pressure when using the spring method to attach it. As an attempt to remedy this the pawls have been updated with a longer peg, which should almost lock them in place against the player gear. 


Accessories Pack

By far the two most common issues I've seen and heard are:

  • It's not clear which gears mesh with other gears, and I don't want to have to look at the manual every time it's mine turn
  • There are a lot of small parts for this game but no storage solution

I'm pleased to announce that I've tried to solve both of these issues with the two things included in the Accessories Pack. The first item is what I am calling the “Player Card”, which can be printed as an optional extra for each player:



These player cards solve two issues; firstly they give you a clear way to hold/display the gears in your hand, and they also provide a handy reference of which numbered gears are able to perfectly mesh with other gears! These are totally optional prints, but reduce the need to keep the manual handy when planning your turn and keep your hand more organised.


The second element of the accessories pack is the Storage Case which can hold all the components of Vault Assault, including space for 4 Player Cards AND additional space for some upcoming expansion parts (the space is designed to fit different Vault Masks):



The space inside the storage case has storage sections for up the fully assembled Vault, all the required gears, 4 Theifple, around 50 coins, 4 Player Cards and an unused space reserved for expansion Vault Masks. The lid has a version of the logo included in the design, and slides neatly into place. It can be secured shut using the optional latch attachment (requires 1 x M3x10mm screw), if you want to make sure things don't escape whilst you are transporting the game. There is also an optional bottom attachment which can be screwed on with 6 x M3x10mm screws which then lets the Storage Case lock neatly into the peg board so that it almost becomes part of the game board whilst being stored and prevents accidental knocks from dislodging it.


I hope this update has helped with some of the issues people were having and I can't wait to hear the next round of feedback! I will continue to iterate and adapt the rules to refine this into the best possible game, and before long I hope to return with some optional expansion news too. Thank you all again!


Boost Me (for free)

I have spent a few weeks designing this game from scratch and if you enjoy it, I would really appriciate it if you could drop me a boost! Thanks so much for taking the time to check out my build!

Documentation (2)

Other Files (2)
Vault Assault Manual V1.1.pdf
Vault Assault Manual Easy Print V1.1.pdf

Bill of Materials

Maker’s Supply Kits and Parts
Bambu Filaments
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
× 1
List other parts
  • 12mm_Elastic_Band x 4: (Only_needed_as_an_alternative_if_not_using_springs_for_pawls)

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Comment & Rating (695)

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This game looks really cool, and I'm probably going to print out the four-color version. Any plans to license it commercially? I'm sure it's better with the full 9 colors, but at $180 ($66 if you use PrintBed's minis line) for just the materials, it seems a little steep price-wise for most home printers. However, any commercial printing operation would basically already have the colors and print capacity to make this, and it'd let people who don't own 3D printers to try this out. Anyway, If and when I print this, I'll take it to a local board game café and let you know what everyone thinks!
The designer has replied
Depending how well this model is recieved and if there is an appetite for it then I may consider a commercial printing option. I might also just print a few kits myself and sell them off that way! You don't have to go for the full 9 colours, and if you have an AMS and want to use that version, then feel free to go into the profile and experiment with the colours. I just used most of the extra colours to make the gears and Theifple stand out, but they would work with a smaller/different set of colours too (the gears are engraved so you will still easily be able to identify them)
Replying to @Applepie :
I was thinking of maybe printing the gears in white and dying them, or painting the numbers. The bright colors certainly stand out, you got my attention! Well, best of luck if you sell or license this, it looks like a lot of fun.
How do you get 180$ in materials? most people have many colors laying around as many of the colors use barely any material. It takes less then 500g of material TOTAL Thats under 10$ in complete materials.
photo of the spring method. works great.
The designer has replied
Amazing! Thanks for sharing that image!
Out of interest, did you use the Bambu Labs BA001 spring or did you source an alternative?
BA001 are too big, and screws are too big tmfor the holes.
The designer has replied
That is very strange indeed, as I designed the spacing for the spring using the model provided by Bambu Lab of the BA001. The BA001 should have a coil length of 10mm (not including the loops at the end), and the distance between the screw holes in the design is around 14.6mm (to apply some force to the spring, as shown in the attached picture). Looking at the image you have included that spring looks longer than the specification for the BA001. Could you measure the coil of your spring for me?
As for the screws not fitting in the holes that should also not be an issue, as the holes are sized at 1.8mm and a 2mm screw should have a good amount of material to bite into with that tolerance. I have used cheap Amazon M2 screws and Bambu Labs M2 screws and had no problems. Have you changed the flow rate for the filament you are using at all, as they may be affecting the dimensional accuracy of the holes that have printed?
I printed directly from the bambu app to the p1s. Something weird happened cause the screws under the table are also very tight. So tight that I got to put a lot of pressure. Maybe an issue on my side, but anyways I was able to fix with the elastic band.
Great design! Just wondering about the rules though. When we played it, we found that other players were constantly landing on the steal squares and so we never really made any progress, as as soon as someone got close to connecting to the vault, their gears were just stolen. We ended up modifying the rules so that if you land on a steal square, you can either steal a piece or place a piece from your hand. This mostly fixed it, but it was still a fairly long game. Have you experienced this? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong? Any guidance here?
The designer has replied
I've had games go a few different ways and the roll of the dice can make quite a big difference to how the game plays out. I am still considering some changes to the rules which may help with this.
I totally agree. WAY too many steals. the game needs a way to tone that down. I think two of the steal spaces should be changed to gear spaces. it’s just too long with so many steals.
First of all: Absolutely brilliant idea and finally something new that is varied and very well thought out. But I had a lot of problems with the inside of the vault. Because the bars are printed vertically, there are lots of potential break points and that's what happened to me. The bars broke every time I printed them and finally broke off and got stuck in the hole in the game board. I then printed the inner bar as a cross bar (similar to LEGO) with a stop point and adjusted the rest. Since the bar was now printed horizontally, there is no longer any risk of it breaking and the vault is absolutely stable (and harder to break ;-) ).
Would you consider adding these modifications as a print profile? I'm having the same issue and this looks like a great solution! Edit: My issue was Silk PLA, printing in normal PLA also helped a lot. Still like the idea though!
Replying to @derfl007 :
Done :)
Print Profile
Vault Assault - Full
Superb craftsmanship. Perfect storage. I have translated the rules into French and forwarded them to the creator.
Show original
Magnificent!!! Could you please share the French translation Thank you!!!
Show original
Replying to @user_2980014318 :
Thank you The issue is that I don’t know how to share the PDF file in French, I can only attach photos I can try to send them to you
Show original
Replying to @user_2785489338 :
Hello, I would also appreciate the rules in French
Show original
A super interesting game design. Thank you very much for giving us the game here. I would like to print it and test it out. But I have two questions: I can only print STL files and don't know how to get Outer Board.step to print and could you add the step files as STL please ? 2nd: the "Outer Board" is two colors in your pictures. How to print with with a one color PLA ? The symbols and yellow lines seem not to be embossed.
The designer has replied
The STEP files contain models consisting of multiple "bodies", think of it as a bundle of STLs almost. I have used these for when parts have multi coloured sections within them. If you see able to use Bambu Studio, the second print profile has all the multi coloured parts removed and uses engraving instead. I've not printed a test version of the outer board for this yet, but it should work just fine. If you are unable to use Bambu Studio and need the raw STLs then let me know and I will go and extract them all manually and upload them.
Replying to @Applepie :
Thank you. I have installed Bambu Studio for this but unfortunately it generates defective gcode for my Kobra 2 Pro printer (even with it selected). But I was able to export the step files from Bambu into STLs for my other slicer. Printing the embossed outer board now but the signs need to be deeper. When the printer covers the signs with the layer the warm PLA moves into the mold and reduces the embossed patterns. Maybe you could correct this on your next overhaul please. Also the oulines are missing. I wanted to paint the embossed signs and yellow outlines by hand but now it seems difficult. I will wait for the end result of the print.
Replying to @Applepie :
I have printed nearly all the parts now but the assembly of the vault needs a lot of work by Dr.Emel. The parts are not matching by size without a lot of grinding on the parts to make them fit. Maybe it's my filament or the printer but the gears have a very small elephant foot which makes them hard to turn because they are beeing pressed away from each other. So I have to grind them down too. A lot of extra work. I hope I can get it loose enough to be playable.
Almost finished with my print, looks awesome! Started to look at the accessories pack and noticed a small fault on the text of the "Player card": Gear No3 does not match up with No5! So correct numbering should be: 3 -> 3, 4 and 6. And if I read the manual correct, that´s explained there aswell in the Gear Grids :)
The designer has replied
Thanks for the kind feedback! I was aware of this issue and released a fixed model of the accessories kit last week. Have you recently downloaded it and are still seeing that issue? If so. let me know and I'll get it updated ASAP with the fixed version
Replying to @Applepie :
Ahh, perfect. No just looked at the pictures in the description, but then it should be all fixed when I get to the accessories then! Thanks again!
Replying to @ssslzc :
Ahh that makes sense! I'm reprinting my Player Cards soon and will update picture to avoid any confusion. Thanks for pointing that out
Print Profile
Vault Assault - Accessories Pack
Getting everything into the box was a bit tricky. I ended up putting the gears everywhere. I might try making the box deeper. But, it’s nice to have a storage option.
The designer has replied
Love the choice of silk filament for the gold and silver parts, that really makes the design pop! Thanks so much for all the support in printing and testing the model, it really helps! If you have any feedback on the game/rules please let me know too, as any play testing really helps to improve things. (Make sure you are using the new V1.1 rules) The box should fit the new gear count under the recommended new rules (2 less of gear 5 and 2 less of gear 6). It is a quite tight fit though, so I might look at rearranging the internals for a future iteration!
have the same issue haha looking forward to seeing an updated box someday 🙏
Great idea, halfway true the print. as suggestions, Maybe a thing that makes turning the players gear a bit easyer (hexagon axle and a spinner on top ?) Not all gear combinations work on the board, you cant add random gears and expect them to turn. 3x 1 next to eachother blocks as example. 2 cant conect to 3 ... i understand the complexity but its not as dynamic as i tought right now :) 4-5-6 are being printed. my vault works perfectly so i think i got the clearances good. anyway its an amazing piece of art, and amazing idea for a board game and allready wonderfull as it is. but could use some improvements to be a top seller :) boosts and scores following when i'm done printing :) ....... edit, i'm done printing.. every plate printed straight forward at first go. complete game works 100% as intended. use of colors is made as easy as could be (max 2 colors/plate) designer did whatever he could, you can feel the passion he inserted while making the game. 5 star print profile! the game: the looks are amazing, the story of bankrobbing the vault, the setup, the toons… amazing ! game play: a litle bit disapointed. i expected every gear go anywhere (i might be stupid). the gear you need to turn is kinda hard, it made my thumb soar. 3 star gameplay storage: it has a lot of parts ! i had a printed box here allready that i use for the parts, got that sorted :) verry cool looking boardgame! adults can enjoy after a few tryouts. its not a grab and play with anyone game imo.
The designer has replied
Thanks for the detailed feedback and lovely to see a picture of the game all printed! Gameplay: Sorry you may have misunderstood the limited placement options of the gears, I will try to make that clearer in the description, and I hear you about the pressure to turn the player gear, on longer gear trains this can get quite tough and it is something I am looking into for a better solution. Storage: I've just finished printing a storage solution for all the pieces and will be uploading it soon!
The Accessories Pack update has now been released, introducing Player Cards and a Storage Solution, I've written up the full details in the Vault Assault model description above.


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You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.