I printed Storkis remix of SVC NASA Moon for Symfonisk IKEA https://makerworld.com/en/models/378760#profileId-278773, The model did not fit my lamp for some reason(last two pictures). Maybe IKEA changed the design since my lamp was bought when it was released many years ago.
The model is downscaled to fit the printer so I decided to make a model of the base I needed to fit the original SVS NASA Moon Globe by Tom Fullen https://makerworld.com/en/models/44705#profileId-311752 which is a little bit larger.
As a sample I printed the lower part of that model in black (dark side of the moon ;-) ) so it is clear how thebase fits the model.
Picture of the base fitted the moon is shown in pictures where the size of the two different models can be compared.
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