A Jizo statue is often a gentle, monk-like figure with a shaved head meant to scare away evil spirits. Many variations exist in the wild, here is a new one
Jizo statues are frequently seen in temples, cemeteries, and by roadsides in Japan. This compassionate role has made Jizo one of the most beloved and venerated figures in Japan.
Here are 2 models of this Jizo.
The solid Red 101mm Model was printed on an AI
.20 Standard .4 Nozzle
Eryone Matte Red
Infill 8%, Gyroid
Hand drawn supports, only on the inside shelf, see pics
Adaptive layers used on head top
The 152 mm Model was printed on a P1P
It is hollow, 2 mm width, to be useable with a Tea light as in pics
,20 Standard with .4 Nozzle
Wall loops: 3
Infill 15%, Rect
Same hand drawn supports on inside shelf
Adaoive layers on head top
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