Based on the Cats and Box game, link here:
Game Rules
1.- Choose a challenge. Place the 5 mouses and the 4 puzzle pieces witch boxes on the game board as indicated. The orientation of the mouses is not important, only their position on the game board matters. example of the first 4 puzzles
2.- Move the puzzle pieces witch boxes - one by one - until all mouses sit inside a cardboard box:
a) The position of the mouses cannot be changed!
b) You can only move ONE box piece at a time. Before you move the next piece, the previous one must be placed back on the gameboard
c) When you move a puzzle piece, you are allowed to rotate it and place it anywhere on the game board where it fits. The parts of a puzzle piece without a box cannot be place on top of mouses. Only the boxes will fit on top mouses.
d) Boxes that are placed on top of mouses can be moved to different position later if needed.
3.- You have found a solution when each mouse is inside a box. The shortest solution can be found at the end of PDF.
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