Gridfinity Spacer Generator

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Gridfinity Spacer Generator


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
0.2mm layer, 3 walls, 15% infill
3.2 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio



  • The source code of the OpenSCAD files is licensed under the MIT license.
  • The models generated by the source code are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).


Create spacers to fit the Gridfinity base into drawers, containers and the like. You can either print and assemble the spacers separately from the Gridfinity base or digitally merge the two in the slicer.

Note: Before considering this generator, you should first take a look at the base plate generator from the Gridfinity Rebuilt in OpenSCAD project. There you can use the “Fit to Drawer” parameters to achieve similar results. The main advantage of the Gridfinity Spacer Generator is the ability to print the spacers separately from the base plate, which allows you to add the spacers later and reuse your existing baseplates if you rearrange your baseplates, e.g. to use them in a different drawer. In addition, the Gridfinity Spacer can be configured with a thinner thickness to save filament and print time.

Basic use

  1. load the file Gridfinity Spacer.scad into OpenSCAD.
  2. open the customizer in the menu Window → Customizer.
  3. enter the number of segments for the width and length of your Gridfinity base plate.
  4. enter the measured milimeter values of the available space.
  5. create your spacer plate and print it.
    1. render the customized spacer plate via the key F6 or menu Design → Render.
    2. export the render via the key F7 or menu File → Export → Export STL.

Advanced options

  • Set symetric or asymetric spacings.
  • Define the height of the spacer plate.
  • Define the shape of the corners.


Tips for the generator:

  • If you print the spacer plate separately and the gridfinity base plate does not fit into the spacer plate, use the “Spacer tolerance” option and increase its value.
  • To test the tolerances, you can print a very thin version of the spacer plate by setting the “Spacer height” to one or two print layer heights (e.g. 0.2 mm).

Tips for the slicer:

  • If the result is too large for your print bed, use your slicer to cut the model.
  • Beforehand, you can merge the spacer plate with the Gridfinity base plate in the slicer.

Tips to achieve this in BambuStudio:

  • Merging symetric spacers and gridfinity baseplate:
    • Select "File/Import/STL"
    • Select the spacer.stl and the baseplate.stl at once in the file dialog and import both files
    • Select "Yes" to confirm the merge of both files to one object.
  • If the result is too large for your build plate, use the cut tool without using the mouse to edit the values. Rotate the cut plane by 90° degrees and perform the cut. If you have an odd number of gridfinity segments, move the cut plane by 21 milimeters.

Comment & Rating (5)

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I would love to try this, but do not understand what a "segment" is in German, I have added 8 width 5 lenght, exspecting space for 40 boxes, but I am seam to be wrong :(
The designer has replied
Hi! These are just spacers for existing Gridfinity base grids. I have linked a different configurator in the description that allows you to generate these grids. Your interpretation of segment is correct.
Show original
A segment refers to a section of something, so if you specify 8x5 and divide it into 2 segments, it will output it as 2 parts. If you specify 4 segments, it will divide it into 4 parts, and so on.
Show original
Replying to @ReconOps :
Thank !
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