DIY Create Trading Card Poster

DIY Create Trading Card Poster


Print Profile(1)

X1 Carbon
A1 mini

0.08mm layer, 0 walls, 100% infill
0.08mm layer, 0 walls, 100% infill
6.2 h
3 plates

Open in Bambu Studio


**please see uploaded fix, should be able to print from bambustudio also**


I have attached the template to this file, you will have to probably adjust the X and Z by 100% as I had to lower it by 50% in order to get it to pass bambuslicer settings. 

I would do all the work as far as slicing the file, then doing the color changes, prior to enlarging everything back to its original trading card size (you will have to adjust X and Y by 100% for this file specifically)


I typically just use the negative of the template when slicing but in order to get it to upload, I took the intersection of the two solid pieces together, then removed the template all together to get the end result on the file.


If creating your own hueforge, the max Z should probably be around 1.52mm, in order to be able to fit into a sleeve and/or the binder.


(DO NOT ADJUST THE Z of hueforge!!! ONLY adjust the x and y axis to 50% or 100% as needed)


This file specifically on here is for the Shiny Charizard I have from my Paldean Fates set.


If you have any questions, please ask, as I do not upload on here as much as I could because I get annoyed with the failed upload attempts. I just really wanted to share this file and template.


Swap Instructions:


Start w/ black (PLA Polyterra Charcoal Black)

At layer #3 (0.32mm) swap to Blue (PLA Polylite Pro Blue)

At layer #6 (0.56mm) swap to Black (PLA Polyterra Charcoal Black)

At layer #8 (0.72mm) swap to Magenta (or Red color) (PLA Polylite Pro Magenta)

At layer #11 (0.96mm) swap to White for the rest. (PLA Polylite White)



The idea

As a millennial who has gotten too hard into Pokémon cards (thank you son) during my time off between jobs, I was not happy with how the best cards and my favorite cards were for lack of better words “just there”, I wanted a way to make the cards a centerpiece of pages in my binder. I started with just creating a simple one color card that was the exact shape of pokemon cards/other cards (2.5 inch wide and 3.5 inch length, similar radius on corner if not exact). After printing the first batch was done printing, I thought, its kind of boring, something can be done better.


Then I realized I could combine Hueforge with it, and the first day I spent trying to split up an image into 9 seperate pieces and then get each one into same ratio as pokemon card, and this was a long tedious process. Went to bed, realized I could just use my beginner lightbox making skills and create my own template.


I can now create one hueforge, and with help of the template, cut off section that wont fit, and move that onto another bed on Bambu slicer/OrcaSlicer.


I am 100% sure a better template could be made, but I wanted to go ahead and get this up as everyone I have shown stated that it was pretty awesome, and nobody has done this yet as far as I am aware.

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I can’t edit description from my phone, so the print profile is with it at 50%, you will have to do it on your computer to get the correct proportions until I get it to pass Bambulab at 100% size. (don’t adjust z for Charizard image)
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