Do YOU want a spacemarine but don't want to buy one? Are you wanting to PRINT one instead? Now you can!
This model was made by AQUILON on cults3d. Many model pieces were used to create this design. Please go check them out they make even more designs even better than this one all for free.
The print comes with 3 bases, 1 helmet, an ultramarines body, 5 arms, 3 shoulder plates, 1 insignia (for the blank shoulder plate), and 3 weapons. when preparing to print the model you can pick different models to print so don't ask me to make seperate pieces like the space marine body. There are some problems becasue of the tiny details so make sure you use a hobby knife or your plate scraper, sand paper, and super glue. Please be leanient with the few problems.
I'm excited to see your custumized miniatures painted or not.
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