Infinity Cube - Flush Object

Remixed by

Infinity Cube - Flush Object

Remixed by

Print Profile(1)

A1 mini
X1 Carbon

0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
2 h
1 plate

Open in Bambu Studio
3.1 k


This cube was created with Wavemans fantastic customizer. I wanted a cube that had some resistance to it, the blocks weren't loose and I didn't feel like I was going to break it trying to twist it the first time. Took about 5-6 different revisions and prints to get it where I wanted it but I really liked this one so wanted to share as remix - and share how to flush to objects.


But specifically I wanted to utilize this as a flush object and to share this tech with everybody to help reduce waste during multicolor prints. This allows you to recover what would have been waste and turn it into a fun fidget.


How to do it?

  1. Download fidget, then add your Flush object(fidget cube) to your multicolor print:

2. Right click on your object (Fidget Cube), select Flush Options near the bottom, Select all 3 options(Objects infill, object, support):

(You can also do this in your “Objects” → Others.)

3. Now Slice and check that the fidget cube is being flushed to:



Why flush to object?

Typically during color changes you have the current color ready to print in your nozzle/reservoir and it must be flushed/purge out before the next color is used or it messes up your print by bleeding previous filament into the next color. By utilizing a flush object, instead of flushing that color out to waste/poop we are flushing that first color into an object's walls and infill until the new color is ready to print, significantly reducing the amount of waste that multicolor prints typically produce.


Any other ways to reduce waste?

  1. You can also check your “flushing volumes” right above your filament/color selections in Bambu Studio. Its default is 1, but not all color combos need that much flushing. Typically most colors are pretty happy to be within .4 - .6. The indicators will turn red when it feels like there is not enough flushing, I typically like to be at least .1 number above the red to ensure good flush. (IE: red is at .45, I set flush to .55)


      2. You can also flush to the infill of your main print (similar to fidget flush - but ONLY to infill) - this is typically only recommended if your main outer wall is darker/similar to your other colors. Or if you're using 3 walls or more. Otherwise you may be able to see the inside random colors and it can mess up the look of your print - which isn't worth saving on filament if it affects your final print. This comes down to personal preference and experience. Some prints you can get away with it, others will not look as good. 

   3. Print multiple of your main items. If you need multiples of the same prints its more efficient to print them at the same time as it will produce the same amount of waste as printing just one - thus reducing your print to waste ratio the more prints you do at once. 



Hope this helps you enjoy multi-color printing more, alleviate some stress about waste and save some money reducing the poop!



Also - as the license states feel free to sell these commercially! I've found these multi color fidgets to consistently sell better than just solid color fidgets. 


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Hi, i'm new at this so excuse me if this is a stupid question. When I slice I get a message "Warning - it seems the object has floating regions. Enable support or reorient". What should I do?
The designer has replied
This is pretty standard for fidget cubes for how the inner pivot joints basically have to be "floating" over the other parts to print them. Ignore the error, it will print ok. Also disable supports on this object - you can go to Objects and then go to the cube, then supports and uncheck. that way if you have something else that needs supports it will still be on for those items but this one does not need supports even though the slicer wants to add them.
Replying to @ninjake :
Thank you, I'll follow your advice. I dare to ask a second question if you don't mind - I'm about to print a Pistachio Bowl which has 294 fillament changes. I've added one Infinity Cube and marked all three flush options as advised per the instructions. However when I sliced it my total fillament increased from 238.14g to 253.91g (+15.77g; screenshots attached - red indicate how many Cubes are added on the plate). The flushed fillament decreased from 63.21g to 43.60g (-19,61g). A second cube increased the total fillament from 253.91g to 289.19g (+35,28g) & the flushed fillament from 43.60g to 43.49g (-0,11g). I'm obviously going to run the project with one cube but to the question - why the remaining flushing fillament of 43.6g does no go into the second cube? Is it a matter of height of the object and since it's the same the moving printer part wont go lower for the second cube - hence it can't flush in it? If that's the problem can I somehow rotate the cube to be taller or make some other arrangement so most of the flushing goes into it?
Replying to @lirex :
I've played around with the rotation of the cubes and end up like this (screenshot). It seems that way is the most optimized with only 9g flushed fillament. I only hope there's no problem printing the cubes in an upright position...
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Very nice! I printed with Amolen new S-Series filament.
The designer has replied
that filament looks so fun to print with - I gotta get some now haha
so for anyone who is as curious as I was I printed this at 2 different sizes 125% and 150%. a normal is to the left and a baby dragon for scale.
I am assuming even the smallest one worked out? Nothing fused?
excellent infinity cube and perfect for purge fill. Thanks for the tutorial on reducing purge waste! I set my purge profile to .5, and total purge waste is 0.13 grams. I use more filament in the purge tower! simply fanastic.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
I just printed it along some other fidgets but yours is the most satisfying to play with.. 😁
I love flush objects but this one is my absolute favorite! I picked it up and played with it mindlessly while dealing with absolute nonsense. It's double functional! Save filament from waste and my sanity from disappearing!
The designer has replied
Yes! Its so nice turning waste into something useful and fun!
print ok from very colorfull print
:D Im doing this exact combination as well! :) Charizard and Infinity Cube
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Wife decided she wants me to print out 60 of these to give to the kids in her 2nd grade class as Christmas presents this year. I increased the perimeters to 3 and increased the infill so they hopefully survive little kids playing with them a lot.
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Was easy to print and it works as it should. Thanks for sharing!
Print Profile
0.2mm layer, 2 walls, 10% infill
Printed good