This is a unique display stand complemented by RGB lighting design. This model is Nintendo Metroid game rolled out in year 1986. It has multi purpose, can be used to emphasize your print items, toys, favourite toys, etc with its design of RGB lighting.
This item has been printed and tested, everything is working perfectly and able to hold weighed item such as a glass drink.
I hope fellow enthusiasts will love this design and can give me a like for support. Thanks.
I am using 24 bits LED ring. Link LED sample as below:
You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.
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