Anyone else have this issue when screwing the bottom piece on to where it latches? Cord holes won't line up once screwed all the way past the lip that keeps it screwed in. If I unscrew it behind the lip it will line up. Tolerances were perfect on my x1.
Terrific print. I printed the thread test first but didn’t have to make any adjustments. The 2 parts of the pineapple printed perfectly with no supports straight from the downloaded files. The finished print looks stunning! Great design. I’m going to print more in different colours!
I made this lamp for my granddaughter. She is part Hawaiian and won't let you forget it. She loves pineapples. I increased size 130% for largest print. Worked out great. I won't beat the dead horse about the cord channel lining up. I simply ran some yellow fairy lights through the channel and super glued the base in place. She'd tear it up if I didn't. Who knew Hawaiians were so destructive. I never did figure out what the two interlocking pieces were or how to use them. Great model!
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