This pack consists of 2 versions
KeyRing MegaPack - 2x2mm Keyring Hole (Size can be changed)
Magnet MegaPack - 8x2mm magnet (Size can be changed)
- First 3 layers are color
- Layer 4 is Full Black or Full White
- Layer 5 to Finish is Gyroid Infill + Hilbert Curve pattern in the last layer
- 0,20 to 0.28 layer height for optimal print Quality.
- You have 3 or 4 layers per model. All layers has the name of the color. You can change it as you want.
- 1 Wall
- The first 3 layers are Color
- The layer 4 is pure Black or White
- The layer 5 to End are Gyroid infill and Hilbert Curve Pattern
SPEED (To ensure the quality of the print, a low value in speed is needed)
- Print Speed for First Layer: 10
- Print Speed for First Infill: 10
- 0,98 for Bambustudio Filament
- 0,95 for Sunlu Filament
- If you are not using BambuLabs filament, Change the Multiplier Ratio for your filament. Is important not to overextrude the first layer.
- If your filament is not tunned, you will have a bad result.
- First 2 layers are set without Fan for better bed adhesion.
If you change the print size, dont forget to change later the “height” to maintain only the first 3 layers with color.
What is your Favorite ? I can´t choose one!!!
Yoshi , Yoshi WaIting, Yoshi Egg , Yoshi Face and other are great to change the colors. You can change the skin color and the complements (boots, spine…)
Do it your way!!
You can change the Keyring Position any place you want.
You can change the keyring size. (usually 2x2mm)
You can aldo Delete the Keyring or Magnet to print the design alone.
Move, Resize or Delete your Keyring in the Menu.
You can change the Magnet Position any place you want.
You can change the Magnet size. (usually 8x2)
You can aldo Delete the Magnet STL to print the design alone.
Move, Resize or Delete your Keyring in the Menu.
Choose your Background color to pop-up your colors!!!
After the first 3 color layers, you have a Background solid color from layer 4 to the last layer.
I have set WHITE COLOR BACKGROUND to images with Yellow and Bright colors.
Here you can see the difference between White Background and Black Background in some images…
You shall not share, sub-license, sell, rent, host, transfer, or distribute in any way the digital or 3D printed versions of this object, nor any other derivative work of this object in its digital or physical format (including - but not limited to - remixes of this object, and hosting on other digital platforms). The objects may not be used without permission in any way whatsoever in which you charge money, or collect fees.
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