If you wish to reconstruct the entire wallet, you'll need to purchase a replacement strap and set of replacement screws directly from Ridge.
If printing the entire wallet, I recommend constructing it in reverse (outside plates inside and vice versa). This will further prevent the screws from falling out over time. However, if your printer is calibrated well enough, the holes are just the right size to thread the original screws into and hold very well and not cause any issues. This also has the benefit of placing the bottom of the print on the outside, which looks awesome if printing on a textured or PEO plate.
I have provided 2 different top plates, one which mimics the original Ridge Wallet, the second, 1mm thicker, that provides more room for the straps to prevent bulging. Print a set of top and bottom plates, one pair being flipped on the X axis.
Personally printed in PLA-CF.
Also check out my Slim AirTag insert for this wallet.
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