i popped in a peefectly fitting dirt cheap led sticker and made a WIRELESS crystal with a 50 cent led+battery+3m sticker circle from aliexpress/temu, don't spend more than a dollar, I'd you buy like 5 or ten pack I THINK they can be like 50 to 70 cents or maybe I'm just remembering wishful thinking but it IS super easy it pops right in perfect size...all I remember was this was the cheapest option for smallest self contained led and battery when I was looking for craft supplies.
just some info for anyone trying this, the batteries last literally 5 minutes. I turned 1 on and walked away, came back and it was almost dead.
the listing says something about lasting hours, yeah right lol.
Minimal infill MINI 10% Lightning 0.2mm layer, 2 walls
Oh my gosh I love this so much! I printed it in Bambu PLA Basic Gradient Arctic and it turned out even better than I expected. Planning to make a few of these for Christmas presents. It's just magical!
Minimal infill MINI 10% Lightning 0.2mm layer, 2 walls
Had some small stringing issues on the inside but still looks very amazing. I printed it using the esun PLA lite firetruck red (a bit darker then normal red)
Yeah after printig i tried to see of something could be changed and optimized in the print profile but not really besides adding supports but they would create some scars but this is a really nice model and is just amzing
love it, only feedback is maybe something different with the “removable stings” a lot tend to still show up in the finished print even after removal but overall I like it :) did mine in petg
I probably tried ten sets of settings with redesigns and I never really eliminated the hanging threads without significantly reducing the light. Let me know if you figure it out. The spots that hang down aren't even overhangs. :)
I'll try that and see how it goes. I wouldn't worry about it, but it makes those faces (and a few others) require some post-processing to look good, while the rest is basically perfect. Love this model!
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