My Free Bust of a Mandalorian which is a part of my newly created Custom Bust Series.
Check out the entire Collection of my busts here:
I will be updating often with free and premium busts so please do follow me on Makerworld and Patreon!
Grab commercial use access to my busts at my Patreon + other premium models!
Patron's also receive PNG images of all bust models to create their own previews!
All busts will follow the same base stand as this free one so you wont have to worry on reprinting and testing every time!
Some Settings information:
Two busts are included, one is for attaching the gun to its back which you can print in a different color if you wish to do so and attach to the back slot, the other is a no gun version of the bust. Main_NoBlaster.stl is the no gun version
An circular insert is placed inside the bust itself for easy assembly to the pole and the stand
Text box Insert is a tight fit with low tolerance, if you would like a more easier fit then lower size from 99% to 98% or 97% or size down the x,y,z by 1mm on each side
Added STl's to print the entire bust in 1 go and split parts of the bust as well.
Textbase_insert.stl works on all of the bust models
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