Paint shaker that holds a variety of paint brands including Army Painter, AK, Citadel, and Turbo Dork. The Jig Paint Shaker is designed to be used with a jigsaw or reciprocating saw and slides onto the blade. If you find there is too much room in the blade receptacle, you can add a piece of tape to the blade before inserting.
To assemble the shaker, print all three parts and place the top and bottom together and insert the pin into the hole. I used a paperclip through the cotter pin hole and bent each end and clipped it off. Closing the jig the first few times may be difficult, but after a few times it will loosen up. You can also add a drop of glue to the bottom latch to make the fit tighter. Additionally, you can add a rubber band or hair band around the jig once your paint is in.
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