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My name is Jesús and I am from a small town in Spain. In 2020 I bought my first 3D printer, a Creality CR-20 Pro. From there I got the 3D printing bug and I started to make my first designs in Tinkercad. - I'm proud to do my bit on Kickstarter to get Bambu Lab and the Bambu X1C 3d printer off the ground. *** If you are interested in more of my designs, you will find them in : https://cults3d.com/es/usuarios/kjbturok/modelos-3d Meta Quest Store Referrals: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1AnIkK6uT4vJ6RhWbvBGbiXrsR_SLvM83IR0jLdAE3J4/edit#heading=h.buwxp8i39y06